Criminal Defense Attorney

Syracuse, NY

Our criminal system is complicated, and local laws and other legal issues and mandates vary from state to state and even county to county. If you are charged with a crime, then you need an experienced criminal defense attorney in Syracuse, NY, who has trial experience from end to end. Our criminal defense attorneys in Syracuse, NY, a number of whom are former prosecutors, represent clients through all stages of a criminal case from investigation to arrest and from a bail hearing to trial. We provide comprehensive criminal defense services both at the state and federal level in New York and Pennsylvania. The scope of our practice includes defending clients against a wide range of violations, misdemeanors, and felonies, including DWI, drugs, and other charges. Whether your case involves simple misdemeanors or a felony charge, our firm is able to handle your case throughout its entirety. We are up to date on both local and federal laws and precedents, and you can trust our criminal defense attorneys in Syracuse, NY, to represent you fully and competently at all stages of your legal process.

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